Ready to take the next step? WORK WITH US!
Ready to take the next step? WORK WITH US!
- Deborah neither dictates a resolution nor attempts to pressure the other side to enter into an agreement.
- Deborah assists the parties to reach their own agreement by exploring creative ways to settle certain disputes in a serene, yet professional environment.
Mediation does not require that the parties have counsel; however, Deborah as the “neutral” third person cannot advise either party whether an offer is a good one or not. If the parties attend mediation without attorneys, they are strongly urged to have an attorney review any proposed agreement before signing it.
At mediation, Deborah has the parties work through and resolve disagreements that might arise, and, most importantly, to reduce anxiety by avoiding litigation and court intervention.

- Deborah neither dictates a resolution nor attempts to pressure the other side to enter into an agreement.
- Deborah assists the parties to reach their own agreement by exploring creative ways to settle certain disputes in a serene, yet professional environment.
Mediation does not require that the parties have counsel; however, Deborah as the “neutral” third person cannot advise either party whether an offer is a good one or not. If the parties attend mediation without attorneys, they are strongly urged to have an attorney review any proposed agreement before signing it.
At mediation, Deborah has the parties work through and resolve disagreements that might arise, and, most importantly, to reduce anxiety by avoiding litigation and court intervention.
- Effective and creative mediation style
- Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Mediator since 2002
- Flexible hours and days available
- Sliding scale rates for modest to low-income parties
- Office is within close proximity to the Broward County courthouse
- Provides a comfortable environment
- Wi-Fi and Skype availability at her office
- Effective and creative mediation style
- Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Mediator since 2002
- Flexible hours and days available
- Sliding scale rates for modest to low-income parties
- Office is within close proximity to the Broward County courthouse
- Provides a comfortable environment
- Wi-Fi and Skype availability at her office